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Making Time for Fitness

By: Elizabeth Grace - Updated: 7 Dec 2012 | comments*Discuss
Making Time For Exercise Making Time For

We all get 24 hours in every day. No matter what our occupation gender, age, or lot in life, we get 24 hours each and every day. What we do with those hours, of course, is for us to decide. Obesity is at an all time high, not just in the UK, but worldwide. Childhood obesity is an especially worrisome situation, with today’s kids being heavier and unhealthier than ever before. Still, many adults blame lack of time as the main reason that they fail to exercise and for kids, many have simply never learned to take time every day to participate in a sport or play active games. Unless we wish to see our children’s health deteriorate, we must make some changes.

Getting Off to a Good Start

Many people who prioritise fitness choose to begin their days with a brisk walk or other workout to get off to a great start. This is a good practice for several reasons. First, exercise has an energizing effect, so a little activity first thing in the morning can help encourage more exercise throughout the day. Secondly, exercise helps to boost metabolism, burning calories for a number of hours even after the activity has ended. Finally, there are always going to be days when nothing seems to go right and everything takes twice as long as was expected. By front-loading a workout, it is never left off of the to-do list, no matter how crazy the day gets.

Exercise in Bits and Pieces

While it is ideal to dedicate a block of time (an hour or so is good) for focused, daily exercise and then supplement that time with an overall active lifestyle, it is sometimes unrealistic to carve out one single stretch of time for working out. Studies show that taking 10-15 “exercise beaks” throughout the day can be quite effective, so even the busiest people can find time in their schedules to stay healthy and fit. Working fitness into the daily routine is a good way to establish healthy habits – walking or biking rather than taking the car when possible, choosing the stairs, and even parking at the far end of the lot all add up when they are regularly practiced.

Getting Into the Exercise Habit

The habits that are developed in childhood often stay with a person throughout their lives, so parents need to put exercise and active play at the top of their priority lists in order to help their kids to start on the right road in terms of fitness. Children are likely to emulate their parents – active parents often raise active kids. Arranging for active outings and holidays, playing together in the evenings and on weekends, and providing encouragement and support for kids’ involvement in sports can all help children to appreciate the benefits of leading active lifestyles. Parents are busy people and often have long lists of commitments, but most would agree that there is nothing more important than the well-being of their children. Exercise and active play are vital for the healthy growth and development of children, so when parents make time in their lives to see that their kids stay fit, they are offering invaluable gifts.

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